Questions Business Owners Ask Us
Do you have questions about our capabilities? Here are some questions we are frequently asked as service providers.
Questions Business Owners Ask Us

Top 5 Questions Business Owners Ask Us

Are you here because you are unhappy with your current IT partner? Trust us when we say that you are not alone. From the many calls we have recently received, we have noticed that business owners like you expect more from your IT support partners. Business owners and managers do not expect their IT partners to provide the support and infrastructure needed but ways to help their business grow.

Over the past year, most of us have had to significantly change the way we work, which is why we understand why having an IT partner who is constantly listening, innovating, and ideating is what you need. We will not deny that many IT service providers around here will do the right thing for you and your business. However, we will not deny that several do not have the means to care for your IT requirements. What you need is a partner and not a supplier. This is precisely what we want and provide our clients – a partnership to help you build and grow your business. Do you have questions about our capabilities? The below questions we are frequently asked as service providers will help answer some queries you have!

Can we work together in partnership rather than only calling you when things go wrong?

Yes! We prefer it that way! The idea is to create a partnership and work together to help achieve your business goals.

Can your service offerings help me grow my business?

Yes. It is the core of every business and helps nurture new opportunities.

Do you work proactively or fix things when they break?

Yes and no. We work proactively because our experience has taught us that it is the best way to keep things running smoothly. A proactive approach helps secure your business from data breaches and loss.

Do you have a clear plan if our IT goes down?

We like to stay on top of things, so we always have a recovery plan in place right from the beginning. A preventive approach is always the best one. You might have to deal with some downtime in case of significant data breaches, but it will not spell ‘the end’ for your company. Top Data Breaches of 2023: Numbers Hit an All-Time High.

Can you maintain and update our systems without disruption to the team?

Absolutely! A little downtime does tend to cause a few ups and downs. However, with a proper plan, you can expect things to run as usual in no time.

Have questions we have not answered? Give us a call at 416-572-3805. We aim to be transparent when answering questions about us as service providers and how we will work with you to see your business operate smoothly and grow.

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