Are you using the all-new Teams yet?

Tired of waiting for Teams to load? Microsoft has heard your frustration and has rebuilt it from the ground up. The all-new Teams is faster and uses less memory; we give you all the details

Microsoft is rolling out a brand-new version of Teams, its video conference, collaboration, and chat platform. We’re being promised a faster and easier way to work. And we all could use a bit of that, couldn’t we?

The new Teams is like the superhero of apps for Windows and Mac. It’s faster than a speeding bullet… well, at least twice as fast as the classic version. Plus, it’s on a diet, using up to 50% less memory and disk space.

Microsoft went back to the drawing board to reimagine it, make it simpler and more flexible. Now Teams:

  • Plays better with third-party apps
  • Is happier calling phones outside of Teams
  • Gets you into meetings quicker than you can say “not another meeting”

This pumped-up version of Teams uses some tech which allows it to share resources with your browser. That reduces how much memory and disk space it needs.

And the initial test results? Teams is twice as quick when loading the app, joining meetings, and switching chats and channels.

This isn’t just for businesses using Windows. Teams on Mac is also getting this performance boost.

Microsoft promises this update will be a game-changer for your productivity. They’ve improved the user interface, adding in a “mark all as read” feature in activity.

Plus, they’re introducing Copilot, an AI assistant that can summarize key points from your chats and calls. Sort of like having your very own personal assistant, just without the coffee runs.

Are you ready to switch to the new and improved Teams? It’s rolling out now. Look at the top left corner of your Teams app… if you see “try the new Teams”, then you can flick the switch and try it out.

If you need help with Teams for your business, get in touch.

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PING, WHOOSH, or BEEP? Now you can decide with Teams

Is the sound of yet another Teams notification about to drive you crazy? A new update will put a stop to that… and it’ll help you prioritize your tasks too. We have all the details here.